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Welcome to our District webpage where you will
find helpful information and news about our District.


NEW! Find a church in the West Marva District that is close to you!


Here you can find churches that are close to your home, pictures of the church, contact information in case you have any questions, and much more…

District Memos

The West Marva District publishes a District Memo (newsletter) once a month

District Memos

In the memos, you can find a short message from the District Executive, Brethren “Bits” of History, and a wide variety of announcements from the District…

Our Core Beliefs

The West Marva District Core Beliefs is a statement of many things we, as followers of Christ, believe.

Our Core Beliefs

This document is intended to help us search the scriptures for God’s truth, to help us understand what we believe, how to grow as Christians, and how…

District Camps

The Church of the Brethren has a strong tradition of Outdoor Ministries dating back almost 100 years.

District Camps

Currently the Church of the Brethren operates 26 camps across the United States, two of which reside in the West Marva District: Camp Galilee and Camp Hope

Churches in the District

Latest News

Find some of the latest district news here including the District Memo, and much more…

Churches in the West Marva District

For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another – Romans 12: 4-5

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