Moderator: Robert D. Combs
Moderator Elect: Allie Crowe
The District Conference Planning and Arrangements Committee met on Thursday, March 21st to begin planning our 2024 District Conference. The committee decided not to have the Friday evening service this year at District Conference due to requests of last year’s conference attendees. It was decided to incorporate the special music and our guest speaker to the Saturday morning session. We will begin at 8:40 with special music from New Covenant and then will hear from our guest speaker, Pastor Leah Hileman. Our business sessions will begin around 10:00 a.m. Conference will be held on Saturday, September 21, 2024, at the Moorefield Church of the Brethren, 115 Clay Street, Moorefield, WV with the hopes of ending by 3:45 p.m. With the amount of business items that are scheduled, we feel this can be accomplished in a one-day session and lower cost and travel time to attend the conference. We hope you will make arrangements to attend!
The District Conference Planning and Arrangements Committee is looking for a church or churches to make breakfast available at District Conference on Saturday morning. It has been suggested to just serve donuts, muffins or fruit breads along with coffee and possibly some juice. We are thinking of possibly serving 35 to 40 people. If you are interested in assisting, would you please contact Brenda at 301-616-1367 or westmarva@brethren.org